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Creepy Talking Faces



 Pode participar todo o alumnado do CIFP Compostela que  teña asinado e entregado o documento de dereitos de imaxe. Por outra banda, deberá ter o carné da biblioteca do centro para poder participar.


1.Compoñer un microrelato en inglés (máximo 50 palabras) que xere terror, desacougo e/ou intranquilidade.

2.Pintarse a cara de forma arrepiante, segundo a temática de Halloween.

3. Gravar un vídeo curto (máximo 2 minutos) no photocall da biblioteca do CIFP Compostela, que estará dispoñible do 30 de outubro até o 7 de novembro de 2023.

4. Enviar o vídeo resultante ao correo con data límite 7 de novembro de2023.


 Valorarase a creatividade, tanto no deseño das caras como no microrelato. O xurado estará composto por profesorado do departamento de Idiomas e de Artes Gráficas.


 Outorgarase un premio, que consiste nunha comida para dúas persoas no gastrobar do CIFP Compostela, para o vídeo gañador.


  1. Horror history:
    By Cristopher Alonso Castro
    The Cryptorium Manor, a ghastly relic of forgotten terror,bore witnesses to unspeakable horrors. Built atop an ancient burial ground, the structure thirsted for anguish. Guests, unaware of the malevolence within, checked only to be trapped in a web of despair.
    Room 13, known as the “Spectral Sepulcher,” concealed a grotesque past. Centuries ago,a sadistic innkeeper tortured and murdered innocents, sealing their tormented souls within the room´s walls. Their agonized whispers seduced new victims, ensuring the cycle of suffering endured.
    One fateful night, a group of paranormal investigators sought to expose the truth. As they delved into the manor´s abyss, malevolent entities manifested, feeding on their fear. Desperation turned into madness, and one by one, the investigators succumbed to the manor´s insidious power.
    The Cryptorium Manor, now a spectral mausoleum, preys on the living. Souls cry echo trhough its desolate halls, and the anguished spirits,denied peace, crave for revenge.. Those who speak the manor´s name risk an eternity entwined in its harrowing legacy.

  2. Mario Montero Benito27 de novembro de 2023, 08:58

    The Toilet Paper
    One stormy night in a London hotel, my ass needed to take a shit, so I decided to go to
    the toilet. I close the door and I checked to see if there was any toilet paper left... The
    toilet paper was half use. Knowing this I sat on the drum and… the drum was so cold.
    When I’m done shitting, I want to catch a piece of paper, but the paper wasn't in its
    place, and immediately the light went down and one knife cut my throat.

    Ana Pombo Doldán
    The Moncarsol Hotel is located in Carballo, near the bus
    station. If you don’t like the idea of a ghostly encounter,
    then stay away from the fifth floor and room 585. Guests
    who have stayed in this room have felt themselves being
    watched, felt icy draughts and some even claim to have
    been pushed out of bed in the middle of the night!
    The ghost is said to be that of a former mistress who was
    murdered by a married couple in the 1920s after the wife
    discovered the husband’s philandering ways. In a
    desperate attempt to save their marriage, they decided
    to get rid of the other woman, who then disappeared
    without a trace. All this happened during the 1920s, when
    the hotel was brand new, but the spooky stories keep on
    coming well into the next century.

  4. Scary Story
    It all starts on November 2nd at that airport, gate 32B, 4am, everything was dark, it
    was the day of the dead, everything was bad.
    suddenly a very strange lady appeared behind a door, she was a mix between
    Michael Jackson and Alberto Chicote, it was very scary.
    OH NO!

  5. Alejandro Mariño Sóñora27 de novembro de 2023, 09:02

    A Hotel Compostela
    At Hotel Compostela, guests often spoke of strange occurrences. One night, a
    traveler named John checked in. As he settled into his room, he heard eerie
    whispers. The lights flickered, and a ghostly figure appeared, beckoning him.
    Terrified, John ran to the lobby. The receptionist said, "You've met the hotel's resident
    ghost. Don't worry; it's harmless." Though shaken, John stayed the night, and the
    ghost merely watched over him, leaving behind a sense of unease.

  6. Horros History: O PAPAVENTOS
    When I woke up he was stearing at me. The recepcionist that had attended me just some hours before was in my room, near to my bed and looking at me with with those eyes which I would never forget. I couldn´t move and all I did was listen to him saying my name, again and again until he did his first step and.. OH NO!

    Rossmery Llatas Guevara
    Five friends had long been planning to throw a party at an abandoned hotel in
    Massachusetts for Halloween. The 5 friends had planned the costumes very
    well, each one had given it a more realistic touch, and they had invited some
    friends from the area. October 31 arrived and the party was going on normally,
    until after midnight, much more began to arrive. young people, because of the
    good decorations and the service personnel who attended when entering
    through the reception area. The friends thought that it was a simple joke that
    was being played on them, since they were on the second floor where the
    main room was located. With the music, when they went down to the entrance
    they found that there was indeed a service staff very well disguised as
    receptionists, bellboys, among others but with zombie appearances with torn
    clothes and grayish skin. and that in different parts of the hotel there were
    people staying who were attending the party with unique costumes. They
    looked at each other and everyone disbanded.
    On the morning of November 1, when the 5 friends woke up, they thought that
    it had all been part of the excessive alcohol they had consumed. When they
    left, they found a note on the counter saying “We appreciate your stay, we look
    forward to your return.”

  8. In a far lonely hotel, the hallways whispered dark old secrets while the clock
    advanced in a disturbing rhythm. Lía, a lonely guest, checked in for the 333 room. In
    the night she felt a freezing cold going through her.
    As she cuddled in bed, she felt footsteps crawling on the ceiling. The closet door
    opened itself slowly, to show a spectral figure. It was a pale little boy with empty
    eyes, he put his hand on Lía´s shoulder saying ¨Help me¨.
    Lia ran towards the door, but it was locked. The little boy reached her and said
    ¨You´ll never escape¨. The room was suddenly filled with creepy phantasmagoric
    laughs, and Lía started disappearing in the darkness.
    When the sunrise arrived, room 333 was found empty. All that remained there was a
    fogged mirror and the echo of children's laughs. The hotel was still keeping it´s
    secret waiting for the next victim.
    Natalia Miranda


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II Concurso de microrrelatos sobre os conflitos bélicos

                                       BASES Microrrelato individual orixinal e inédito cunha extensión máxima de 100 palabras sobre a temática “OS CONFLITOS BÉLICOS”, que denuncien, describan ou fagan reflexionar sobre esta cuestión. O título e o nome e curso do alumnado non contará nesas 100 palabras. Valorarase a orixinalidade, o contido e a calidade lingüística. Participantes : Alumnado do CIFP Compostela Lingua : Galega Data límite de entrega:  31 de Xaneiro do 2025. Presentación:  Publicar como comentario nesta entrada do blog indicando nome, curso e ciclo que estades a cursar no CIFP Compostela. Xurado: O xurado estará composto por profesorado do Equipo de Dinamización da Biblioteca e do Equipo de Dinamización da Lingua Galega. Premio: Vale de 50 euros para gastar nunha librería do comercio local

Concurso de microrrelatos sobre os conflitos bélicos

  BASES Microrrelato individual orixinal e inédito cunha extensión máxima de 100 palabras sobre a temática “OS CONFLICTOS BÉLICOS”, que denuncien, describan ou fagan reflexionar sobre esta cuestión. O título e o nome e curso do alumnado non contará nesas 100 palabras. Valorarase a orixinalidade, o contido e a calidade lingüística. Participantes : Alumnado do CIFP Compostela Lingua : Galega Data límite de entrega: 31 de Xaneiro do 2024. Presentación: Publicar como comentario nesta entrada do blog indicando nome, curso e ciclo que estades a cursar no CIFP Compostela. Xurado: O xurado estará composto por profesorado do Equipo de Dinamización da Biblioteca e do Equipo de Dinamización da Lingua Galega. Premio: Vale de 50 euros para gastar nunha librería do comercio local

Día das Bibliotecas 2024

 Día das Bibliotecas: Por un futuro sostible Microvisitas guiadas à biblioteca do CIFP Compostela  da man do alumnado de XAT 2⁰ curso, módulo comercialización e eventos e profesorado do equipo da biblioteca. Por outros 364 días màis 💥 Moitas grazas pola colaboración, planificación e traballo ben feito!